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     Welcome to "Unleashing the Champion Within, " podcast, with your host, Andrea Mason, Your Global Voice & Your Personal Accountability Coach: Who Went from Victim to Victorious, an alumna of Dr. Les Brown. Here, Andrea highlights individuals' stories of success, achievements, milestones, and obstacles they have endured at some point in their life. Andrea is here to share their "Unleashing the Champion Within, Moment," with the world, as she pays it forward and helps them go from Victim to Victorious. They have chosen the path less traveled, the life transformational journey, to achieve personal freedom through the healing power of forgiveness, as they chose, in this crazy game of life, to choose to PRESS PLAY Plan Life According to You.  They made their dreams become a reality. "You're Next!" Join me and be prepared as you begin UNLEASHING THE CHAMPION WITHIN!

Carrie Klewin Lawrence

Kimberly Henry

Lady J 

Manohar Grandhi

Michael Zinn

Andrea Evans

Andrea Evans

La Toya Bond

Sharon Costanzo

Helena Georgiou


Johanna Godinez


Mary Ellen Ciganovich

Flavia Cornejo

Laura Camara

Arden Erimitis


Andrea Adams

Andrea Adams


Tim Turner


Amber Satterfield


Johanna Enjema Ikoma Mokake


Christa Rose


Dr. Lisa L. Campbell

Jonah Tab

Kellina Powell


Martin Salama


Richard Kaufman


Nigel Beckles

Lu Colmenares


Diane Byron

Adam Duval


Warren Marlowe


Dr. Rani Thanacoody


Greg Campbell


Nola Johnson


Tina Medina

       Alison Reeves

Sign Up Before or After 4 PM EST USA

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