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Award Winning Coach & Global Motivational Speaker

PRESS PLAY & Transform Your Life with Purpose and Authenticity
Ready to break free from the hamster wheel and start living your dream life? I am Andrea, your personal accountability coach and solutions strategist dedicated to helping you make a transformational shift from surviving to thriving. Through authentic, customized coaching, I meet you where you are, empowering you to achieve personal freedom, embrace forgiveness, and transition from victim to victorious.
With a focus on time management, organization, and personal accountability, I guide individuals ages 25-55, in turning life’s adversities into fuel for creating an authentic, purpose-driven life. Let’s work together to unlock your potential, build your unique identity, and embrace the quality of life you’ve always dreamed of.
- Our Services -
Your Personal Accountability Coach Solutions Specialty Strategist

освітлю ваш шлях до свободи через процес прощення.
I додасть вам сили та мотивуватиме продовжувати досягати успіху.
Я заохочуватиму вас застосовувати те, що ви навчилися, і буду з вами на кожному кроці.
I will empower and motivate you to continue to reach your success.
I will encourage you to apply what you have learned and I will be with you every step of the way.

Ви дізнаєтеся, як стати підзвітним, надійним, відповідальним і організованим.
Ви підвищите самооцінку та впевненість, і зміните свій підхід, щоб реалізувати свій життєвий потенціал у повній мірі.
Дізнайтеся, як звільнитися від тривоги, подолати бар’єри руйнування, збільшити позитивну енергію та отримати позитивне мислення за допомогою цілющої сили прощення та досягти особистої свободи.
You will build up self-esteem and confidence, and change your approach to live your life’s fullest potential.
Learn how to release anxiety, breakdown barriers, increase positive energy and obtain a positive mindset, through the healing power of forgiveness and achieve personal freedom.

Дізнайтеся, як to прощати інших, і, найголовніше, як прощати собі.
Отримайте підтримку під час розробки плану дій для досягнення своїх цілей.
Ви отримаєте підтримку у своєму бажанні та відданості вивчати та застосовувати техніки щодня.
Get support while you develop a measurable plan of action, to achieve your goals.
You will receive support in your willingness and commitment to learn and apply the techniques daily.

Plan Life According to You LLC
Andrea Mason, the founder of Andreamasons.com and Press PLAY Plan Life According to You LLC, has crafted a transformative coaching journey inspired by her own life experiences. Drawing upon the power of PLAY, Andrea’s path was shaped early on. At the tender age of four, she immersed herself in playing the piano, creating her own musical scores as an escape from life’s trials and tribulations. Her creativity and imagination fueled her resilience.
But Andrea’s journey didn’t stop there. She also embraced athleticism, particularly soccer. Through sports, she honed essential life skills: effective communication, understanding, and the art of teamwork. These lessons became the bedrock of her coaching philosophy.
Now, Andrea walks alongside you on the less-traveled path—the journey from where you are to where you aspire to be. She bridges the gap, making your dreams become a reality. As your equal, she doesn’t dictate or lecture; instead, she holds you accountable and responsible for achieving your goals. Andrea shares her own stories, imparts strategies, and equips you with the tools needed for your transformational voyage.
In this coaching journey, Andrea isn’t just a guide; she’s your partner, committed to unlocking your potential and helping you thrive.
Choose the Path Less Traveled, Choose to Press PLAY Plan Life According to You LLC
About Me
Андреа «The Global Voice» Мейсон з AndreaMasons.com має понад 20 років досвіду особистісного розвитку в соціальній роботі та психології. Вона сертифікована як глобальний мотиваційний спікер і коуч під наставництвом «єдиного» пана Леса Брауна, а також сертифікований підприємець малого бізнесу, сертифікований професійний організатор і, що не менш важливо, Андреа — ваша особиста відповідальність Тренер і Popular Global Voice.
Featured Resources For You
Explore our resource section, featuring powerful books designed to help you "press play" on your journey and execute each step with precision.

Victim to Victorious
This autobiographical self-help book shares my personal experiences, losses, and lessons that helped me go from Victim to Victorious.
It’s a story of personal empowerment granted by choosing the healing power of forgiveness, which too often is the path less traveled.

The ComeBack
This compelling new book by world-renowned motivational speaker Les Brown & Andrea Mason, is your ultimate guide to bouncing back from adversity.
Join Les Brown and Andrea Mason on this transformative journey and discover the secrets to making your greatest comeback yet.
Why To Choose To Press PLAY Plan Life According to You
Andrea Mason, the founder of Press PLAY Plan Life According to You LLC, is a remarkable individual who has dedicated her life to making a difference in the realm of mental health. Her mission is clear: she aspires to be the face of change, advocating for mental well-being and healing.
Andrea’s message is deeply rooted in her morals and values. She encourages others to follow their hearts, rather than blindly conforming to societal norms or succumbing to pain. Through her own life’s adversities, she has learned how to create her own opportunities and overcome challenges. She firmly believes that every experience she has endured grants her the certification and permission to guide others on their journey toward healing and triumph.
Her background adds a powerful layer to her story. Hailing from the underdeveloped country of Colombia, Andrea faced the harsh realities of life during the cartel era, which then carried over to a life of abuse and bullying upon her life in America, during her childhood throughout her young adulthood life: from her peers, friends, employers, and society. Yet, she emerged from those difficult circumstances with a second chance at life. Her authenticity and unwavering integrity define her brand. She is not merely a passive observer; she actively strives to be the catalyst for positive change in the world.
Andrea’s ultimate goal is to unite people, helping them tap into the healing power of forgiveness. Through her work, she empowers individuals to become victorious over their past struggles, transforming pain into resilience. Andrea Mason’s legacy is one of compassion, strength, and a relentless commitment to making the world a better place. 🌟

- STEP 01 -
Let's Connect
Learn how to release anxiety, breakdown barriers, increase positive energy and obtain a positive mindset, through the healing power of forgiveness and achieve personal freedom.
- STEP 02 -
Join My Global Tribe
Here you can create and list your dreams and goals, prioritize them, and track your progress, accountability, and responsibility toward achieving your goals. Here you can take notes, and tweak your daily action steps.

- STEP 03 -
Join My Tribal Groups
Here My Tribe has the opportunity to engage in groups and receive one-to-one connections, allowing them to share their experiences and learn how to thrive and grow through resilience and have the communal support of like-minded individuals who have also chosen the life transformational journey, the path less traveled in this game of life to WIN!
Exclusive Tribal Members receive the ability to network with others and share their ideas, and services and are allowed to collaborate with Press PLAY Plan Life According to You LLC to participate and contribute and are given the opportunity to qualify to participate in Global In-Person Events and activities, Global Virtual Platforms.
How Press Play Menbership Works
LIVE Virtual Session
Exclusive Membership Videos
24/7 Support
Weekly Tutorials & Interactive Exercises
Knowledgeable Quick Applicable Tips & Take Home Skills

LIVE Q&A Discussions, and Other Services Available
Your Personal Accountability Coach

Дагмара К.
Курс Андреа допомагає вам по-справжньому зрозуміти, чого ви насправді хочете, і надає методи та чіткіші підходи до того, як почати досягати цілей, які ви поставили для досягнення в житті. 17.04.2020 р

Ентоні Е.
Цей курс значно допоміг мені. Завдяки цьому курсу Андреа допомогла мені відновити мою пристрасть до музики та отримати мотивацію йти за своєю мрією. 8.11.2020

Хода К .
Я зустрів Андреа 17 років тому. Андреа підтримала мене та провела для мене персоналізовані та індивідуальні сеанси, коли я проходив через розлучення. Я дякую їй, за її терпіння, наполегливість, співчуття та старанність у перетворенні мене на кращу людину. 23.04.2020 р